https://doi.org/10.20998/0419-8719.2018.2.12Ключові слова:
dieselengine, universalcontrolsystems, exhaustgases, particulate matters, mathematicalmodelАнотація
The article is devoted to the solution of the urgent task of reducing the duration and cost of the procedure for measuring the average operating mass emission of particulate matter with exhaust gases of a diesel engine - the standardized environmental indicator PM. The paper describes the technical characteristics and operation principle of a universal measuring system with a microtunnel MKT-2 for controlling the mass emissions of particles with exhaust gases from various types of diesel engines. The method of complex evaluation of the effectiveness of this system was developed by the criteria: accuracy of measurements, duration of sampling of particles in standardized test modes, cost-effectiveness of using MKT-2. With the help of this technique and the results of ecological tests of diesel engine 3A-6D49 of diesel locomotive TGM6 on the cycle ISO 8178-F, the efficiency of MKT-2 was conducted, as a result of which it was established that t he resulting measurement error of PM is 3.1%, which corresponds to the requirements of normative documents; the duration of sampling of particles is from 1.8-2.5 minutes - in the modes of the average and nominal power of the diesel engine to 7.5 minutes - at idle; MKT-2 is characterized by a high economic efficiency of use: additional fuel costs during the ISO 8178-F cycle associated with increased sampling time of particles are negligible and amount to 0.5%. Recommendations have been developed for the improvement of MKT-2, the implementation of which will reduce the duration of sampling by 3.8 times.Посилання
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