
  • O. M. Kondratenko National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9687-0454
  • G. O. Chernobay National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Україна
  • Ju. F. Derkach National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Україна
  • S. A. Kovalenko National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Україна



Ключові слова:

environment protection technologies, ecological safety, power plants, internal combustion engines, particulate matter emission, opacity, conversion formula, metrology, pollutants


This article describes the results of analysis and numerical study of prof. I.V. Parsadanov conversion formula as the one of relevant issues of the metrological features of determination of particulate matter mass hourly emission in ex­ha­ust gases flow of reciprocating internal combustion engine on the testing bench without dilution tunnel. Purpose of the study is detection of relationship between magnitudes of cle­an­ing efficiency coefficients of particulate matter fil­ter of diesel reciprocating internal combustion engine for unburned hydrocarbons volume con­­centration in exhaust gas flow and emission of particulate matters with using of conversion formula for whole dia­­pason of chan­ging of influen­cing factors. Ob­ject of the study is ef­fi­ci­ency of operation of sys­tem of neu­tralization of le­gis­la­tive nor­malized pollu­tants in di­e­sel internal combustion engine exhaust gases flow, na­mely particulate matter filter. Subject of the study is re­la­tionship between mag­ni­tu­des of indica­tors that cha­rac­terized object of the study which con­ne­c­ted with each other by conversion for­mu­la. It was showed that the magni­tudes of values of efficiency coefficients of opera­tion of particu­la­te matter filter of diesel reciprocating internal combustion engine for indicators of opacity and concentration of un­bur­ned hy­dro­carbons in exhaust gas which was obtained by direct measu­rements during bench motor tests and al­so mass hourly emi­ssion of particulate matter in exha­ust gas flow which was ob­tained with using of the conversion for­mu­la, is not equal to each other for eve­ry individual opera­tio­nal regime of die­sel engine. Calculation assessment and graphical illustration of relati­on­ship between magni­tu­des of this coefficients for unburned hydrocarbons volume con­centration in exhaust gas flow and emission of particulate mat­ter for whole diapason of changing of influencing fac­tors was carried out. For the first time it was detec­ted the differences bet­ween magnitudes of values of ef­fi­ciency co­ef­ficients of particulate matter filter operation process of diesel internal combustion engine in pairs for mass hourly particulate matter emission with exhaust gases flow and opacity and toxicity of exhaust gases which con­ne­c­ted with each other by con­version formula.


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