

Ключові слова:

ecological safety, environmental protection technologies, power plants, reciprocating internal combustion engines, pollu-tants emission, criteria-based assessment, benzo(a)pyrene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbones


In this study, the author has improved its previously proposed methods for determining the value of mass hourly emi­s­sions of benzene(a)pyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in diesel engine ex­ha­ust gases flow. The purpose of the study is to obtain the values of complex fuel-ecological cri­terion that charac­te­ri­ze the ecological safety level of diesel engine exploitation pro­cess considering the emissions of benzo(a)py­rene and polycyclic aromatic hyd­rocar­bons as toxic and carcinogenic pollutants. The distributions of such emissions have been obtained over the field of a 2Ch10.5/12 auto­tractor diesel engine operating modes field and over the modes of stan­dardized ste­a­dy testing cycle ESC. The mathema­ti­cal apparatus and method of applica­ti­on of complex fu­el-ecological criterion of Prof. Igor Par­sadanov have been impro­ved. The author has obtained the distributions of these indicator values of eco­­logical safety level of power plants with reciprocating ICE exploitation process over the field of 2Ch10.5/12 autotractor diesel en­gine operating modes of and over modes of stan­dardized steady testing cycle ESC, as well as its average operating value. It has been establi­shed that, average operating values of Kfe criterion and the δKfe effect for all investigated  va­riants of accounting for mass hourly emissions of B(a)P and PAH in die­sel engine exhaust gas flow are almost iden­tical and reduce the value of the Kfe crite­ri­on on 29 – 32 % – from 63 ‰ up to 42 – 45 ‰. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the approach of Prof. Igor Parsa­da­nov for criteria-based assessment of fuel-ecological effici­en­cy of au­to­tractor di­esel engines ex­plo­itation pro­cess as a part of power plant considering the of mass hourly emissions of benzo(a)­pyrene and po­ly­cyclic aro­matic hydrocarbons with RICE EG flow as the toxic pollutants and also methods for de­ter­­mi­ning of such emi­s­sions and ponderability of such pol­lutants received further development towards in direction of application of this mathe­ma­ti­cal apparatus for standar­di­zed steady testing cycles.


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